You have some CISSPs. You have a ton of C.R.A.A.P. on your team. But, are you hard? Seriously HARD? APT Hard - hardened against the ripe threat posed by The APT? Then you are a Seriously Hardened APT-Resistant Team. You know what we're talking about, and
you need to have the acronyms to back that up. If that's you - and your team - then S.H.A.R.T. is what you need.
Having S.H.A.R.T.-ed your organization means you have:
Created an internal presence, enterprise-wide, that represnts your resilience to all aspects of the APT, and you have CISSPs.
Certifications prove you know what you and your team, and your company are doing:
S.H.A.R.T. in your organization creates a strong aroma of power, authority, and that essential essence of expertise. Any APT will flee from your mere existence.
Spreading S.H.A.R.T.s across your enterprise will ensure The APT will fear you:
S.H.A.R.T.s command attention by their mere presence. And they create the appropriate level of fear known only by the most accredited organizations.
Certifications Mean A Lot To A Lof Of Teams - Yours Should Be One Of Them! Contact us today for more information!